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Home Service 般治疗项目 中药 针灸 拔罐 刮痧 拨筋 艾灸 推拿 耳穴按摩 放血 免疫和肿瘤調理(癌症后調理項目) 化疗副作用的治疗 放射副作用的治疗 疼痛治疗 关节炎 背痛 膝盖和肩膀疼痛 颈部疼痛 骨质疏松 坐骨神经痛 运动损伤 网球肘 肩周炎 肌肉骨骼和神经系统疾病 头痛 偏头痛 肌肉痉挛 扭伤 肌腱炎 呼吸系统疾病 哮喘 慢性支气管炎 咳嗽和感冒 肺炎 慢性病治疗 中风 胆固醇 糖尿病 高血压 儿童健康 消化不良和免疫力下降 湿疹 小儿推拿 中药脱发治疗 婦科 子宫内膜异位 月经不调或痛 更年期 经前综合症 生育治疗 养生与美容项目 粉刺 痘痘肌調理 黑眼圈 膚色不均勻 皮肤暗沉的治疗 体重控制 推拿瘦身 压力/抑郁調理 失眠 戒烟 上门服务(本地及海外)

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I was impresed by the moling services, not lorem ipsum is simply free text.

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5 in 1 HSI Wellness Body Treatment

5 in 1 start with a gentle yet penetrating palm pressure massage focusing on targeted area to stimulate the flow of chi as it can help restore vitality, boost the immune system, and improve overall energy levels.

Follow by Bian Stone, The Bianstone contains 40 over types of minerals and trace elements beneficial to the body and stimulate the flow of energy (qi) in the body, promoting balance and harmony and relieve tension and tightness in the muscles. This can contribute to improved overall health and vitality.

Combines all the benefits of mineral ingredients to detoxify, nourish and skin tightening to create a healing treatment.

With Moxibustion above the acupuncture points of the body to stimulate the body “qi” to penetrates deep into the skin to enhance blood circulation, strengthen skin tissues and excretion of toxins with safe, tested & approved wormwood.

Brings together elements of essential oils and the therapeutic qualities to strengthen the body’s vital energy and for healing purposes.

Embrace this opportunity to tap into your body’s natural healing potential and elevate your wellness care routine to new heights. Our treatment is not just a beauty regimen; it is a gateway to holistic wellness and self-care. Dare to embark on this extraordinary journey and discover a world of radiant skin, revitalized energy, and endless possibilities.