Author: admin_tcm

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach to Prostate Health

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the body is divided into three regions called jiaos: upper, middle, and lower. The prostate, while not specifically recognized, falls under the lower jiao, which is governed by the Kidneys and Liver. (Kidneys and Prostate Health) Kidney Yang: Vital for creating and excreting urine. Kidney Qi: Controls the opening and closing of lower gates (urethra, spermatic duct, anus). Weak Kidney qi can lead to issues like incontinence and weak urine flow. Liver’s Role: Stress and emotions can disrupt Liver qi, impacting the lower jiao and causing urinary dysfunction. Bladder Qi and Blood Stagnation: Impaired Bladder qi can lead to blood stagnation, which is linked to serious prostate conditions like stones and cancer. Damp Heat: Can be caused by infections or diet (spicy, fatty foods, and alcohol). Leads to symptoms like painful urination, cloudy urine, and frequent urination. Common issues found in prostate: BPH is a common condition, observed in 90% of men over 60, in which benign (non-cancerous) nodules cause an enlargement of the prostate gland. The cause is unknown. It can significantly affect quality of life by producing considerable discomfort during urination. The enlargement can mean the prostate expands from the size of a walnut to the size of an apricot or even a lemon. Prostatitis: Although some of the symptoms are similar prostatitis is different from BPH. Prostatitis can cause the prostate to become swollen, tender or inflamed. There are two main types: acute prostatitis and chronic prostatitis. Acute prostatitis is caused by an infection, usually by bacteria. Chronic prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, is a less well-defined condition. Prostate cancer: When it comes to their prostate health perhaps the biggest concern for most men is how they can reduce their risk of prostate cancer. Older men are at an increased risk of prostate cancer, especially if they have a family history and/or a higher prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. PSA is a protein made by the cells in the prostate. Common Prostate symptom such as: Painful Urination Syndrome (lin zheng) Cloudy Urination (niao zhuo) Difficult Urination (long bi) Frequent Urination and Incontinence (yi niao) Hematuria (niao xue) Impotence (yang wei) Abdominal Pain (fu tong) TCM practitioners aim to restore balance and improve prostate health through holistic approaches. How TCM Can Help by using: Herbal Remedies such as Rehmannia (Di Huang): Nourishes Kidney yin and yang. Cornus (Shan Zhu Yu): Strengthens the Kidneys and controls leakage. Plantago Seed (Che Qian Zi): Clears damp heat and promotes urination. Acupuncture: Stimulates specific points to balance qi, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation. Common points include Ren-4 (Guanyuan) and SP-6 (Sanyinjiao) for lower jiao health. Dietary Adjustments: Avoid spicy, fatty foods, and alcohol to reduce damp heat. Incorporate cooling, hydrating foods like cucumber and watermelon Lifestyle Practices: Manage stress through practices like Tai Chi and Qigong. Ensure regular exercise to promote qi and blood circulation.

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I’m-Yunity® Coriolus Versicolor

I’m-Yunity® Coriolus versicolor, also known as Yunzhi, is a precious tonic that belongs to a family of medicinal mushrooms in the Chinese culture. Early in 15th century of China, the famous Compendium of Materia Medica categorized it a supreme herb with health benefits like replenishing essence and qi (vital energy), strengthening tendons and bones, promoting general enhancement and anti-aging. The gentle and invigorating properties of Coriolus versicolor are very suitable to consume regularly for long-term health. I’m-Yunity® for Dogs is made from a unique proprietary ingredient extracted from Coriolus versicolor, specially for immune balance and vitality of dogs. Selected herbal source I’m-Yunity® for Dogs is made from COV-1® strain of Coriolus versicolor. This unique strain was successfully identified and isolated as the optimal strain of Coriolus versicolor among 80 strains collected in China by a reputed fungus expert, Professor Yang Qingyao. He specially cultivated the strain using deep layer cultivation technology with submerged fermentation to provide mycelia as the raw material for our I’m-Yunity® production. PSP – effective ingredient of Coriolus versicolor Coriolus versicolor contains bioactive compounds called polysaccharides, which are complex molecules built from many units of sugar. Variation in the compounds occurs if abstracted different parts of the mushroom. Prof. Yang isolated polysaccharide peptide (PSP), a special kind of protein-bound polysaccharides, from the mycelia of COV-1® strain of Coriolus versicolor. Pharmacological and clinical studies have showed that PSP has positive immune modulation effects, and helps improve quality of life.* Technological breakthrough in PSP extraction Professor Yang also made a technological breakthrough in the structural elucidation of PSP, that specific types of PSP molecules are isolated from the mycelia of COV-1® strain of Coriolus versicolor. The complex process of insolating effective PSP molecules is one reason why not all products containing PSP may have similar health benefits. Validated by long-time study and application in human When PSP first released in the early 80’s, it immediately caught the attention of researchers and customers. Long-time studies along with numerous customer testimonials provided collective evidences that PSP supports immune health, promotes general fitness and improves quality of life. Essence of Mushroom (the Hong Kong packaging of I’m-Yunity®) has been marketed in Hong Kong over 40 years, and registered as a Chinese Proprietary Medicine as well. I’m-Yunity® has also been registered as supplement to sell in Canada, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand markets. I’m-Yunity® for Dogs is natural and safe Unlike other mushroom products, we use exclusively the PSP from the mycelia of COV-1® strain of Coriolus versicolor for the production of I’m-Yunity® for Dogs. It is a pure and single-species herbal supplement that doesn’t rely on other additional ingredients to exert its multiple health benefits. The product is manufactured in the factory with GMP (good manufacturing practices) standard, which further ensures its quality and purity, making your pet getting the most potent PSP active ingredient. Better quality of life for your beloved pet Clinical study for dogs with cancer at a well-known veterinary center has showed encouraging results, that I’m-Yunity® as an immune health supplement enhances the quality of life for dogs and benefits general well-being.** Most dog owners may hesitate to opt for chemotherapy for their dogs because of known side effects and high cost. If you wish to boost your dog’s immune fighting abilities, help them get through hard times and achieve a better quality of life, I’m-Yunity® for Dogs is an excellent choice!

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The Role of Acupuncture and Massage in Sport

Sports and physical activities whether participated as competitions, casual routines or social events include many forms, such as dancing, football, basketball, swimming, cycling, hiking etc. Sports are beneficial to improve body strength, enhance physical endurance, release bodily stress, and burn calories efficiently. However, in case if individuals neglect the warm-up steps, over-train or have accidents, it is likely to get injury during the course of game or exercise session, individuals may then suffer from problems such as muscle pain, sprains, tears, and chronic strain of the ligament. Overuse sports injuries are not uncommon, due to the repetitive actions of muscles and tendons, the involved area will become inflamed and painful. The healing and rehabilitation processes should be carefully evaluated so as to minimize the amount of downtime required. Chinese medicine massage or acupuncture can be part of sports training and recovery management. The Chinese remedies help relieve muscle pain, loosen intense muscles, reduce tissue adhesion, accelerate the return of peripheral blood and lymph, alleviate swelling in the damaged area, speed up tissue repair and rebuild, and restore ligament alignment. Chinese methods can help athletes to speed up the recovery process and allows their body to replenish energy stores for optimal sports performance. MASSAGE FOR SPORT Sports massage works deep in the muscles that aim to realign the muscle fibers and connective tissues, and make the biological process of body recovery more efficient. Sports massage brings numerous benefits to sports people, covering physical, physiological and psychological aspects. Regular sports massage sessions help muscles repair, rebuild, and strengthen, increase joint mobility and flexibility, maximize sports performance and reduce the risk of injury during activities. Pre-exercise massage This usually performs 15 minutes before the exercise or training. Massage with light push and slow kneading techniques for 5-10 minutes can increase blood circulation in the muscles, stimulate the body to be allowed for intensive motions, enhance muscle endurance and ligament flexibility, and increase joint mobility as well. It can maximize performance during the event and reduce the risk of injury, while also help the athletes to reduce anxiety. Massage in middle of exercise Massage is performed between the intervals of training session or competition, aimed at the heavy loaded muscle groups. The manipulation usually begins with light and rapid techniques, and then changes to forceful kneading, striking or padding techniques, last for 1-3 minutes. This helps to eliminate stiffness and fatigue in the muscles. Post-exercise massage This usually takes place 1-2 hours after exercise or before sleeping. Post-exercise massage can accelerate the elimination of lactic acid (a metabolite that causes fatigue and soreness). It has proved that post-exercise massage can cool down the athletes after strenuous exercise, eliminate fatigue and promote the regain of physical strength. It also significantly shortens the duration of muscle soreness after exercise and reduces the painful sensation. EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE IN SPORT Acupuncture method belongs to physical stimulation, which creates a cascade of positive changes inside the body to promote physiological functions, enhance self-regulation and encourage the body’s self-healing abilities. Acupuncture is an effective, personalized, non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive form of healing, which is excellent for athletes to apply for their training and recovery routine. Sport ability Strenuous exercise will cause an increase in the production of endogenous free radicals and lipid peroxides, and a decrease in the level of blood ketones, resulting in a decline of sports ability. Acupuncture can be applied to improve the body’s antioxidant capacity, scavenge free radicals, and prevent the blood ketone levels from declining during exercise, so as to maintain sport ability. Sport immunity After a high-level performance, the immunity of athletes will be declined and that would increase their chances of getting sick. Researches have shown that acupuncture can increase the number of white blood cells, promote the productions of antibody, so as to enhance the body’s immune function. Acupuncture can also increase the levels of blood sugar and hemoglobin (indicators of exercise fatigue), which can help eliminate fatigue. Pain control Long-term repetitive actions or over-training will result in painful conditions. Many scientific evidences have supported that acupuncture can relieve a variety of sport related painful conditions, including “neuropathic pain” and “nociceptive pain”. Injury recovery Sports injury will lead to a period of downtime to athletes, making them unable to participate in training and competition. In severe cases, when their mobility is affected, a great pressure will be created on their psychological and physiological aspects. Acupuncture has the effects of resolving stasis, dispersing swelling, anti-inflammatory and arresting pain, which can effectively promote tissue recovery and restore functionality of injured parts. Sports insomnia Continuous and intense physical activities along with mental stress can easily make athletes can’t sleep at night, which is not favorable to their body recovery and hinder sports performance. Acupuncture can achieve a calming effect on the nerves and mind, relieve muscle soreness and thus effectively prevent insomnia after strenuous exercise. Weight control In order to achieve the best results, it is necessary for athletes to maintain in optimal body weight and follow some stringent dietary restrictions. Acupuncture can be used to reduce appetite, promote energy consumption, and improve basal metabolic rate, which help athletes to control their body weight.

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How To Reduce Dark Circles, Bags & Puffiness Around The Eyes

Stress and lack of sleep often take the blame for our skin problems and it’s no different when bags under the eyes appear after a few long days of working late. Other than regular sleep and introducing more zen into our lives, how can we lighten up those dark circles and calm those puffy eyes? Cold Compress We recommend keeping a spoon in the freezer with cling film wrapped around it. When your eye area flares up, take it out, unwrap the cling film and place the spoon on the eye area. This is great for when you wake up with puffy eyes. Stay hydrated It is always important to stay hydrated for both your health and for beauty benefits. Skin cells can actually shrink if you don’t keep your fluids up, which makes dark circles much more noticeable. Make sure you drink between 8 – 10 cups of water a day to avoid the panda-eye affect. Eat-Your-Water Eye cream As well as hydrating yourself inside, you should hydrate the eye area directly too. However it is important to use eye cream and not face cream around the eye area. You should also be sparing when applying eye cream. To apply correctly use no more than a grain of rice amount per eye and gently pat around the eye socket with your ring finger. Too much cream applied closely to the eye could result in puffiness, as the skin is extremely delicate in this area. Effective Ingredients to look for in eye cream: Blefaroplex is made up of a combination of botanical ingredients that improve collagen and elastin synthesis, whilst preventing the effects of glycation. Being a potent anti-glycation complex, Blefaroplex eliminates toxins and prevents the appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eye area and as a result reduces puffiness and dark circles. Hyaluronic Acid is a deeply hydrating component. Having made it onto Elle Magazine’s “Best Eye Cream Ingredients” list and capable of holding up to 1000 times its weight in water, there’s no denying that this super-moisturising element should be in your eye cream. Eye products with light pigments or optical diffusers are extremely effective in reducing the appearance of dark circles and bags. These ingredients reflect light away from the dark shadowy area making the skin around the eye appear brighter, healthier and more luminous. These are certainly ingredients to look out for if you are searching for a daily quick fix. Allergies Nutritionist Petronella Ravenshear stated that wheat is the main culprit of dark circles for many. “Very often when people stop eating wheat the black bags magically disappear.” She explained to Huffington Post. If you suffer from prominent dark circles and skin products fail to banish them, you may want to consider looking at your diet and even trialing a new routine without wheat to see if it has an effect. Caffeine When applied topically caffeine can ease puffiness and encourage microcirculation. A handy home remedy to relieve tired eyes is to apply cold used tea bags directly onto the eye area for up to ten minutes. As well as the caffeine working magic, the tannin from black tea tightens your skin around the eye. For a herbal alternative, green tea bags used in the same way can also reduce inflammation. This works wonders for sore and puffy eyes to give you some instant relief.

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Pollution: The New Dangers To Your Skin

Are you regularly exposed to electronic screens, heating, cleaning products or simply ‘fresh’ air? These are the three main types of pollution that damage your skin causing it to age prematurely, become sensitive and appear dull. In this article, we explain why and provide some simple steps to help prevent this damage. THREE TYPES OF POLLUTION Every day our skin is subjected to over 300 sources of pollution. These pollutants can be broken down into three main categories which have a slightly different effect on the skin. UV & HEV POLLUTION HEV Light Attacks all layers of the skin including DNA. It’s commonly known that UVA and UVB rays cause skin damage by generating free radicals. However a new growing concern is that HEV Light (AKA Artificial Blue Light) from electronic screens causes more damage than these two combined. It penetrates all the way down the the DNA of the skin cells which affects their regeneration and starves them of oxygen. This, in turn, causes premature lines and wrinkles and the skin appears dull, grey or pallid. Solution: the cells needs regenerating and an oxygen boost. AIR POLLUTION Air Pollution Attacks the skin’s deeper layers. Toxic particles from pollutants such as smoke, acid and gas in the air are 20x smaller than our pores meaning they can easily penetrate deep into our skin. This clogs up the skin’s natural hydration process and it’s ability to produce collagen. These toxins also cause the skin to appear dull. Gina Baker Germaine de Capuccini Skincare Expert explains; “it’s like a dirty window – when dirt gets stuck on it, natural blue light can no longer come through and it therefore looks grey. When our skin gets ‘dirty,’ it also appears dull or grey in tone and the light can no longer reflect out of it. Solution: the skin needs to be detoxified and cleaned. DOMESTIC POLLUTION Domestic Pollution Attacks the skins surface. Heating, air conditioning, cleaning products and other household substances sit on the skin’s surface causing irritation and drawing out moisture which causes dehydration. They also damage the stratum corneum (skins protective barrier) which in turn allows the other pollution types to penetrate the skin more easily and makes the skin more sensitive – it’s a vicious circle. Solution: strengthen the skin’s barrier function. HOW TO PROTECT & REPAIR THE SKIN FROM POLLUTION DAMAGE 1) PROTECT THE SKIN The best form of of attack is a good defence! Use a high factor SPF cream. Don’t rely on SPFs within makeup or moisturisers, these are often low factor and usually provide only UVB protection. Look for a light protective cream specifically designed for daily use on top of your moisturiser. This will offer much more effective, stronger and reliable protection. Try Urban Shield SPF50 anti-pollution protection 2) CLEAN THE SKIN cleanse-pollution-image Cleansing morning and evening will help to get rid of some of the dirt or pollution on the skin’s surface. We’d also highly recommend a professional chemical peel to effectively remove more stubborn pollutants that are lodged on the skin. 3) OXYGENATE & DETOXIFY THE SKIN We know HEV and UV light staves the cells of oxygen, therefore it needs to be replaced – it’s essential for maintaining younger and healthier skin. An oxygenating facial treatment or moisturiser can significantly help with this. Oxygen can be contained within skincare products but it must be stabilised in order to do so. Make sure the ingredient is “encapsulated” to be sure its going to enter the skin effectively and work to detoxify the cells. Try Continuous Defence Oxygenating Moisturiser 4) REPAIR THE SKIN Repairing the skin’s barrier function (stratum cornemn) provides a long term solution to pollution damage and sensitivity from irritating toxic particles. Products containing Niacinamide are a great place to start as it increases the production of ceramides which in turn strengthens the skin’s barrier function. Avoid products that contain astringents like alcohol, sulphates and witch hazel. These harsh ingredients strip the skin of its natural moisturiser which weakens it. Try 1st Essence Active Defence Serum YOUR DAILY ANTI-POLLUTION SKINCARE ROUTINE Air Pollution Germaine de Capuccini offers a full range of skincare products dedicated to protecting the skin against all pollution types and repairing damage already caused. FIND OUT MORE

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Treating Dehydrated Skin

Often confused with dry skin, dehydrated skin is lacking in moisture (water rather than oil) and it can affect any skin type. The most common characteristics are tight skin, itchiness and/or hot to touch, dull tone, fine dehydration lines. Dehydration is a key factor in the cause of skin ageing so it’s imperative to treat it. Here’s a few tips for treating dehydrated skin: TREATING DEHYDRATED SKIN WITH HYALURONIC ACID Hyaluronic Acid is one of the most effective skincare ingredients in treating dehydrated skin due to its ability to retain water (1000 times its own weight). It naturally occurs in the skin however as we age, the amount of Hyaluronic Acid in the skin decreases. At the age of 35 our level of hyaluronic acid is around 65% but by the age of 60 this is reduced to just 10-20%. Hyaluronic Acid is great for treating all skin types, as it is water rather than oil based it an even be great for oily skin. Treating-cellulite-effectively MULTI-WEIGHT HYALURONIC ACID Hyaluronic Acid molecules can be formulated in various sizes (or weights) which all play a different role in treating dehydrated skin. High Molecular Weight (large): works on the epidermis to regulate water loss. Medium Molecular Weight (medium): Can strengthen the skin’s defence system. Low Molecular Weight (small): is able to penetrate down to the dermis to hydrate the deeper layer of skin. Tip: Look for multi-weight Hyaluronic Acid products when choosing your skincare. These will have a better results – treating dehydrated skin at every layer. View Germaine de Capuccini’s products for dehydrated skin Treating-cellulite-effectively USING A SERUM AND A MOISTURISER Using a serum and moisturiser together has a wealth of benefits. Most importantly, it helps to provide optimal hydration to the essential layers of the skin. Serums contain tiny molecules small enough to travel past the outer layer of the skin into the dermis. This maintains hydration levels within the deeper layers of the skin. Applying a cream over your serum will help to reduce the evaporation of product and moisture thus keeping the skin much more hydrated. The molecules of a cream are slightly bigger allowing it to work in the skins surface layers to protect, nourish and provide essential hydration. SUPPLEMENTS Treating dehydration from inside is a great way to enhance results. By taking SMT peptides orally, it goes straight into the body without needing to penetrate through skin layers therefore can be faster and more effective. View SMT supplements.

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Post-COVID-19 Syndrome

Sore throat Fatigue Headache Fever Cough Lung (respiratory) symptoms, including shortness of breath Depression or anxiety TCM, as a form of preventive medicine, offers holistic practices aimed at improving one’s health from within and can help to alleviate some of these lingering symptoms. Here are some natural healing with TCM Treatment: 1. Acupuncture 2. Gua Sha 3. Herbal Medications 4. Chinese Herbs If you have Post-Covid symptoms, just consult with our physician today!

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TCM For Eczema Skin

HSI Chinese medicine is renowned TCM for Eczema Singapore treatment clinic with experienced physicians that treat Eczema, Dermatitis and other Skin disorders. Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, red, itchy and irritated skin that looks like a rash. An underlying weakness in the body’s vital energy, called Qi, can allow external pathogenic factors to attack-causing itchiness, inflammation, and dry, red skin. The most common pathogenic factors causing eczema are combinations of wind, heat, and dampness. Each individual’s presentation of eczema symptom is unique, and HSI Chinese medicine believes in personalizing the treatment for our patients. We use TCM treatment to expel wind, dispel dampness, expel heat, stop itch, nourish blood, cool blood, balancing Qi and blood. Being highly experienced in the treatment of Eczema, HSI Chinese medicine has seen many cases in our clinic. Book an appointment with us and get treated today!

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Pain Management

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pain management is done with a combination of various methods can be used to manage pain symptoms. These include acupuncture, cupping therapy, Tui Na and Chinese herbal medicine. They help increase Qi and Blood circulation, which in turn promotes natural healing and reduces pain symptoms. Acupuncture, in particular, is used as a treatment method for many diseases and disorders, including a number of pain- related conditions. The advantage of TCM lies in its abilities to treat both the symptoms and root cause of the problem, leaving a lasting effect. At HSI Chinese Medicine, our physicians and therapists from the Pain Management team work together to help you manage your pain symptoms.

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TCM Fertility Treatment

TCM physicians can complement IVF treatments by prescribing TCM herbal medicine and acupuncture to help prepare the body before the IVF treatment to help increase the chances of success. This process usually takes 3 to 6 months and there are a number of patients who got pregnant naturally during this process.

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5 in 1 HSI Wellness Body Treatment

5 in 1 start with a gentle yet penetrating palm pressure massage focusing on targeted area to stimulate the flow of chi as it can help restore vitality, boost the immune system, and improve overall energy levels.

Follow by Bian Stone, The Bianstone contains 40 over types of minerals and trace elements beneficial to the body and stimulate the flow of energy (qi) in the body, promoting balance and harmony and relieve tension and tightness in the muscles. This can contribute to improved overall health and vitality.

Combines all the benefits of mineral ingredients to detoxify, nourish and skin tightening to create a healing treatment.

With Moxibustion above the acupuncture points of the body to stimulate the body “qi” to penetrates deep into the skin to enhance blood circulation, strengthen skin tissues and excretion of toxins with safe, tested & approved wormwood.

Brings together elements of essential oils and the therapeutic qualities to strengthen the body’s vital energy and for healing purposes.

Embrace this opportunity to tap into your body’s natural healing potential and elevate your wellness care routine to new heights. Our treatment is not just a beauty regimen; it is a gateway to holistic wellness and self-care. Dare to embark on this extraordinary journey and discover a world of radiant skin, revitalized energy, and endless possibilities.